Nature, Humans, Abstraction
Connecting with nature, human emotions, and abstraction in my art to tell my story.
Odette Farrell is a London based visual artist.
Her most recent artwork is about life emerging from the cracks of broken systems.
She looks into possible ways of using art to heal the wounds of disconnection from the natural world.
Some years before the pandemic, I wanted to address the imminent threat that our ecology is facing today.
Wandering through Kew Gardens, I discovered a beautiful tree. I was drawn by the form of the leaves that look like duck feet. The spectacular tree was a Ginkgo Biloba. When I realised that this majestic being was a living fossil that has been on earth for around 270 million years, surviving mass extinctions and it is humanity's first conservation project, I knew that I have found my muse. I couldn't find a more powerful symbol of resilience. Since then the Ginkgo has been a recurrent source of inspiration in most of my paintings related to nature.
Connecting with Nature

Human Exploration
Delve into the depths of human emotions with my watercolours and oil paintings, where I try to capture the essence of being human.
I started painting on year 2000. I lived in Mexico City during that time. My first source of inspiration was the human figure, as a door to the many layers of human identity. I was attracted to the naked body as a manifestation of self in its purest form, away from the prejudices that the outside world inscribes in our bodies. My work continued to be figurative as I tried to deconstruct my gaze in relation to the model across the canvas. I soon realised that identity is fluid and subject to social construction, as I played with the emotions and expressions of the moment, including the model and myself to shape my own interpretation of the human body.
During that period one of the subjects I enjoyed the most was portraying.
The human face is a truly organic palimpsest. A palimpsest is a manuscript on which later writing has been superimposed on effaced earlier writing. The face is always changing but still bears visible traces of earlier emotions. The face is the most intimate and most exterior site of the subject and I was very lucky to find an amazing model during that period. Once she asked me, if I was not tired of painting her. I told her how exciting was for me to be able to grab the subtle changes of her face and I was also surprised of the outcome as it was a mixture of the sitter and the artist, as my everyday emotions also influence the art work.
Abstract Sky Vision
Embark on a journey of abstraction with my art, merging layers and layers of paint to create a unique and captivating experience.
After moving to London, my life changed completely. Although I did love figurative painting, I needed another way to express what I was enduring. Through abstraction and colour I was able to appeal to emotion, intuition and the world of the subjective, which helped me somehow in my attempt to answer the enigma of identity. My abstract paintings deal with my story as an immigrant:
My four grandparents were migrants, my two parents too. I am a migrant and made my children migrants as well.
I start researching the story of my ancestors, and then I start listening to the amazing stories of people that came to live to this city. London is so vibrant because of all these people that come from all over the world. Most of the stories I listened, seem to be fiction but they were real. Through my abstract paintings I wanted to pay tribute to all those stories.
My abstract oil paintings were then made by applying layers upon layers of colour, like palimpsests (again) –a reused manuscript which is still bearing marks of its earlier form- that showed different past stories, and left traces that cannot be erased, showing the labyrinth paths and spirals of our lives, with many puzzles to solve. This particular style attempted to symbolise the life of migrants, as they go through their new life trying to define and re-define their identity.
Art Showcase
Explore my latest art work inspired by nature, human emotions, and abstraction. (Coming soon)
Engage with visitors through my art. (Coming soon)
Exhibitions & Prizes
Art Residencies and Exhibitions
2019 UK - Shortlisted as one of three finalists for Hackney WickED Art Prize
2019 UK - AWARD for my piece “OTHERS” at Camaradas Exhibition
2011 UK - Shortlisted at Woodberry Down Public Artwork Competition for my wire installation “RIVER”, London
2008 IRELAND - Art Residence in Cill Rialaig, Co. Kerry
2008 SPAIN - Fellowship III Milenio by Karrvaz Foundation: Art residence in Albacete
2006 MEXICO - AWARD for my painting “The Road” at National Watercolour Competition
2005 CHINA - Honourable Mention at “BIRD 2005 INTERNATIONAL ART AWARD, Beijing
2005 MEXICO - AWARD for my painting “Nadihelli” at National Watercolour Competition
Selected Solo Exhibitions
27.07.2019 London, UK “Open Studio” Hackney WickED Open Studios 10
11.02.2016 London, UK “Migrations” Manor House Development Trust
26.01.2015 London, UK “Abstracts” Butterfield Bank
21.05.2009 Dublin, IRELAND “Human Landscapes” Urban Retreat Gallery
06.03.2009 Kilkenny, IRELAND “9 Nudes” Blackbird Gallery
17.04.2008 Mexico City, MEX “Paisajes Humanos” Fundación Sebastián
01.07.2007 San Miguel Allende, MEX “Nuda” Atenea Gallery
27.04.2006 Mexico City, MEX “Urbano y Femenino” Casa Cultura de Tabasco
29.09.2003 Berlin, GERMANY “Verführungen” European Academy Berlin
03.04.2003 Mexico City, MEX “Reflejos” Gmo Kahlo Gallery
Selected Group Exhibitions
04.05.2024 London, UK Memories Alice in Hackneyland, Shoreditch
18.05.2023 London, UK Betwixt and Between Barclays Headquarters
15.01.2022 Somerset, UK “Slow Time” Black Swan Arts
28.07.2021 London,UK “Camaradas” Koppel Exchange, Piccadilly
17.05.2021 Milford Haven, Wales “Wales Contemporary” Waterfront Gallery
12.11.2020 Milford Haven, Wales “Wales Contemporary” Waterfront Gallery
26.07.2019 London, UK ‘Who Are We” HWED Group Show 2019
12.03.2019 London, UK, “Camaradas” Menier Gallery
06.12.2018 London, UK “The London Ultra” Oxo Tower
11.04.2018 London, UK ‘Diverse Figures” Burgh House & Hampstead Museum
16.11.2017 London, UK “Left Overs” Procreate Project
30.07.2016 London, UK “She” Sweet Art
23.05.2016 London, UK “Spring 16” Fitzrovia Gallery
21.05.2014 London, UK “Artcore14 Int” Hotel Elephant
06.06.2014 Sardinia, ITALY “Settimana dell’Arte” Galeria Arte San Lorenzo
04.07.2013 London, UK “The art of curiosity” Curious Duke Gallery
09.05.2013 London, UK “Works on Paper” La Galeria, Bethnal Green
22.11.2012 London, UK “Then and Now” Royal Opera Arcade Galley
05.06.2012 London, UK “Art in Flux” Curious Duke Gallery
24.11.2011 London, UK “FP&S Winter Show” La Galleria, Pall Mall
13.05.2011 Bristol, UK “Bristol Affordable Art Fair” Bowlish Art Gallery
10.03.2011 London, UK “London Affordable Art Fair” Bowlish Art Gallery
21.07.2010 London, UK “Real Broadgate” GoFigurative
20.07.2010 London, UK “Summer Miscellany” Highgate Contemporary Gallery
20.07.2010 London, UK “Hesketh Hubbard” The Mall Galleries
18.03.2010 London, UK “Real Heatherley’s” Go Figurative
11.01.2010 London, UK “Winter Exhibition” Cadogan Contemporary Gallery
25.11.2009 Castlecomer, IRELAND Auction Mealy’s Auctioneers
07.08.2009 Kilkenny, IRELAND “Kilkenny Arts Festival” Blackbird Gallery
06.12.2008 Alcala del Jucar, SPAIN “Pretextos” Alcala del Jucar Castle Gallery
10.08.2007 Kilkenny, IRELAND “Kilkenny Arts Festival” Blackbird Gallery
02.06.2007 Mexico City, MEX “Nuevas Visiones“ Museo Dolores Olmedo
28.04.2007 Beijing, CHINA “Cèad in China” Gallery of China C. Academy of Fine Art
30.07.2006 Mexico City, MEX “Watercolour Competition” National Watercolour Museum
01.06.2006 Mexico City, MEX Art Auction “Casa Lamm”
28.04.2006 Clonmel, IRELAND “Drawings & Etchings” The Narrow Space Gallery
23.10.2005 Kilkenny, IRELAND Auction Loughlin Bowe Fine Art Auctioneer
17.10.2005 Beijing, CHINA BIRD 2005 Art Award Xingtai Xinshiji House
03.09.2005 Hangzhou, CHINA “6 x 6 For Ireland” 411 Galleries
24.07.2005 Mexico City, MEX “Watercolour Competition” National Watercolour Museum
15.04.2005 Clonmel, IRELAND “The nude” The Narrow Space Gallery
28.02.2005 Kilkenny, IRELAND Auction Loughlin Bowe Fine Art Auctioneer
16.12.2004 Rome,ITALY “Natale al Chiostro” Basílica dei S.S Apostoli
25.07.2004 Mexico City, MEX “Reconstrucción” Casa Talavera Museum
13.12.2003 Rome, ITALY “Caos” Arte In Gallery
13.09.2003 Rome, ITALY “Figure” Arte In Gallery
22.05.2003 Mexico City, MEX “Piedra sobre Piedra” Alfredo Ramos Gallery
Latest Commission
London Based
I was commissioned a painting to commemorate the 75th anniversary of Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
The artwork will be hung at the Bonavero Institute of Human Rights in the University of Oxford.
The artwork will appear on the front cover and inside of their 'Annual Hightlights" digital brochure along with my artist bio.

Art Gallery
London based visual artist showcasing oil paintings, watercolours, and sculptures.

Ginkgo, oil on canvas, 122 x 152 cm
Chernobyl board, wood, wire, paint & ceramic, 120 x 25 cm
Golden Ginkgo, oil on canvas, 122 x 152 cm
Autumn Ginkgo, oil on canvas, 82 x 101cm
Chernobyl door, wood, paint, wire & ceramics, 160 x 60 cm
Pembroke Dock Ginkgo, oil on canvas, 76 x 86 cm
UNbleaching, oil on canvas, 70 x 140 cm
Connect with me to learn more about my art work inspired by nature, human figure, and abstraction. Stay updated on prizes, exhibitions, and commissions.